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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is Traction?

We are a collection of car enthusiasts who wanted to fill the gap car enthusiasts have in their understanding of insurance.

Are You An Insurance Carrier?

We are not an insurance carrier.  We are agents who specialize in helping car enthusiasts get the right coverage.  But if you’ve been turned away from insurance companies or agents before, give us a call anyway, we may know about options, expertise or have relationships that can help get you covered.

Who Makes You Different Than My Current Agent?

Most insurance agents are general specialists across home, auto and other needs.  Some may even be limited to one or just a few companies they can write with.  At Traction all we do is specialty insurance for serious car enthusiasts.  We have access and relationships as many companies that just do specialty insurance for car enthusiasts as most agents do for general insurance.  There are few types of cars or situations we haven’t tried to get covered.

Can You Help With My Unique Situation?

Multi-state collection? Exotic? Street Driven race car?  Open cockpit?  Kit car?  You name it, chances are Traction has gotten it covered.  Even if you’ve been told no or think you wouldn’t qualify because your car isn’t a typical enthusiast car or collector vehicle, we often can still help.


227 Sandy Springs Pl
Suite D164
Atlanta, GA 30328
(404) 551-4427

© 2024 Traction Insurance Agency, LLC

 Georgia License #227879

A wholly owned subsidiary of Homefield Equity, LLC

Quotes are estimates and subject to change.  Coverage is not guaranteed and not all drivers, cars or situations will qualify.  Coverage and policies are described in general terms.  Availability and coverage may vary by state and carrier.